- colonoscopy
- Visual examination of the inner surface of the colon by means of a colonoscope. SYN: coloscopy. [colon + G. skopeo, to view]
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co·lo·nos·co·py .kō-lə-'näs-kə-pē, .käl-ə- n, pl -pies endoscopic examination of the colon <transabdominal \colonoscopy with a sigmoidoscope via colotomy>co·lon·o·scop·ic kō-.län-ə-'skäp-ik adj* * *
n.a procedure for examining the interior of the entire colon and rectum using a flexible illuminated fibre optics or video-camera instrument (colonoscope) introduced through the anus and guided up the colon by a combination of visual and X-ray control. It is possible to obtain specimens for microscopic examination using flexible forceps passed through the colonoscope and to remove polyps using a diathermy snare.* * *
co·lon·os·co·py (ko″lən-osґkə-pe) examination by means of the colonoscope. Called also coloscopy.Colonoscopy showing a normal colon.
Medical dictionary. 2011.