- collapse
- 1. A condition of extreme prostration, similar or identical to hypovolemic shock and due to the same causes. 2. A state of profound physical depression. 3. A falling together of the walls of a structure. 4. The failure of a physiologic system. 5. The falling away of an organ from its surround structure e.g., c. of the lung. [L. col-labor, pp. -lapsus, to fall together]- c. of dental arch movement of teeth to fill a space which would normally be filled by another, missing tooth, creating a malpositioning of adjacent and opposing teeth.- pressure c. pulmonary c. due to external compression of the lung, as by a pleural effusion or pneumothorax.- pulmonary c. secondary atelectasis due to bronchial obstruction, pleural effusion or pneumothorax, cardiac hypertrophy, or enlargement of other structures adjacent to the lungs.
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1) to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely: fall into a jumbled or flattened mass through the force of external pressure <a blood vessel that collapsed>2) to break down in vital energy, stamina, or self-control through exhaustion or disease esp to fall helpless or unconscious vt to cause to collapse <collapsing an infected lung>collapse n1) a breakdown in vital energy, strength, or stamina: complete sudden enervation <the daughter's mental \collapse through mounting frustration (Leslie Rees)>2) a state of extreme prostration and physical depression resulting from circulatory failure, great loss of body fluids, or heart disease and occurring terminally in diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, and pneumonia4) an abnormal falling together of the walls of an organ <\collapse of blood vessels>* * *
col·lapse (kə-lapsґ) [L. collapsus] 1. a state of extreme prostration and depression, with failure of circulation. 2. abnormal falling in of the walls of any part or organ.
Medical dictionary. 2011.