amebic dysentery — n acute human intestinal amebiasis caused by a common ameba of the genus Entamoeba (E. histolytica) and marked by dysentery, abdominal pain, and erosion of the intestinal wall * * * dysentery due to intestinal ulceration caused by severe… … Medical dictionary
Amebic colitis — Amebic dysentery (inflammation of the intestine) with ulcers in the colon due to infection with an ameba (Entamoeba histolytica), a single celled parasite transmitted to humans via contaminated water and food. “Ameba” is from the Greek “amoibe”… … Medical dictionary
colitis — Inflammation of the colon. [G. kolon, colon, + itis, inflammation] amebic c. inflammation of the colon in amebiasis. collagenous c. c. occurring mostly in middle aged women and characterized by persistent watery diarrhea and a … Medical dictionary
amebic dysentery — Pathol. a type of dysentery caused by the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica, characterized esp. by ulceration of the large intestine. Also called amebiasis, intestinal amebiasis, amebic colitis. [1890 95] * * * … Universalium
ulcerative colitis — Pathol. chronic ulceration in the large intestine, characterized by painful abdominal cramps and profuse diarrhea containing pus, blood, and mucus. * * * Inflammation of the colon, especially of its mucous membranes. The inflamed membranes… … Universalium
necrotizing amebic pancolitis — a rare but highly fatal complication of amebic dysentery, clinically resembling fulminant ulcerative colitis … Medical dictionary
necrotizing amebic colitis — see under pancolitis … Medical dictionary
Meningoencephalitis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G04 ICD 9 323.9 … Wikipedia
Abscess — A local accumulation of pus anywhere in the body. The following are some examples of abscesses: {{}}A skin abscess is better known as a common boil; A peritonsillar abscess is a persistent collection of pus behind the tonsils; and A perianal… … Medical dictionary
Dysentery — Inflammation of the intestine, often with pain, diarrhea, bloody stools, etc. It is usually caused by infestation of the bowel by an ameba. Dysentery can be fatal, usually due to severe dehydration. Treatment includes rapid rehydration, sometimes … Medical dictionary