
SYN: cenocyte.

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coe·no·cyte 'sē-nə-.sīt n
1 a) a multinucleate mass of protoplasm resulting from repeated nuclear division unaccompanied by cell fission
b) an organism consisting of such a structure
coe·no·cyt·ic .sē-nə-'sit-ik adj

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coe·no·cyte (seґno-sīt″) [coen(o)- + -cyte] 1. a multinucleate plant cell enclosed within a hollow wall, examples of which are found within the fungi and algae. 2. a multinucleate bit of cytoplasm in which the nuclei are not separated by walls. 3. a multinucleate plant protoplast. Spelled also cenocyte. coenocytic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • coenocyte — [sē′nə sīt΄, sen′əsīt] n. [ COENO + CYTE] 1. SYNCYTIUM 2. a) a mass of protoplasm containing several nuclei formed from an original cell with one nucleus b) an organism of such a mass …   English World dictionary

  • Coenocyte — A coenocyte is a multinucleate cell. It can result from multiple nuclear divisions without accompanying cell divisions, or from cellular aggregation followed by dissolution of the cell membranes inside the mass. Coenocytes are found in fungi and… …   Wikipedia

  • coenocyte — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1897 1. a. a multinucleate mass of protoplasm resulting from repeated nuclear division unaccompanied by cell fission b. an organism consisting of such a …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • coenocyte — n. [Gr. koinos, common; kytos, container] A multinucleate condition of discrete cells resulting from repeated nuclear division unaccompanied by cell fission; giant cell …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • coenocyte — Organism that is not subdivided into cells but has many nuclei within a mass of cytoplasm (a syncytium), as for example some fungi and algae, and the acellular slime mould Physarum …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • coenocyte — coenocytic /see neuh sit ik, sen euh /, adj. /see neuh suyt , sen euh /, n. Biol. an organism made up of a multinucleate, continuous mass of protoplasm enclosed by one cell wall, as in some algae and fungi. [1895 1900; COENO + CYTE] * * * …   Universalium

  • coenocyte — noun /ˈsiː.nəʊˌseɪt,ˈsiː.noʊˌseɪt,ˈsɛn.əˌseɪt/ A cell with multiple nuclei, found in fungi, algae, protists and slime molds …   Wiktionary

  • coenocyte — [ si:nəʊsʌɪt] noun Botany a body of algal or fungal cytoplasm containing several nuclei, enclosed in a single membrane. Derivatives coenocytic sɪtɪk adjective Origin early 20th cent.: from Gk koinos common + cyte …   English new terms dictionary

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  • coenocyte — coe•no•cyte [[t]ˈsi nəˌsaɪt, ˈsɛn ə [/t]] n. dvl mcr a syncytium, esp. one formed by repeated division of the cell nucleus rather than by cellular fission • Etymology: 1895–1900; < Gkkoinó(s)common coe no•cyt′ic ˈsɪt ɪk adj …   From formal English to slang

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