
SYN: body cavity.

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coe·lom '-ləm n, pl coeloms or coe·lo·ma·ta si-'-mət-ə the usu. epithelium-lined body cavity of metazoans above the lower worms that forms a large space when well developed between the digestive tract and the body wall
coe·lo·mate '--.māt adj or n
coe·lo·mic si-'läm-ik, -'-mik adj

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the cavity in an embryo between the two layers of mesoderm. It develops into the body cavity.

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coe·lom (seґləm) [Gr. koilōma] the body cavity. In higher invertebrates it persists throughout life (cf. Eucoelomata). In the mammalian embryo, it is situated between the somatopleure and the splanchnopleure and is both extraembryonic and intraembryonic. From the intraembryonic portion arise the principal cavities of the trunk. Also spelled celom. Called also somatic cavity. coelomic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • coelom — [sē′ləm] n. [Gr koiloma < koilos: see COELE] the main body cavity of most higher multicellular animals, in which the visceral organs are suspended coelomic [si läm′ik, silō′mik] adj …   English World dictionary

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  • coelom — noun (plural coeloms or coelomata) Etymology: German, from Greek koilōma cavity, from koilos Date: 1875 the usually epithelium lined space between the body wall and the digestive tract of metazoans above the lower worms • coelomate adjective or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • coelom — Body cavity characteristic of most multicellullular animals (all coelomates). Arises within the embryonic mesoderm, that is thereby subdivided into somatic mesoderm and splanchnic mesoderm, and is lined by the mesodermally derived peritoneum. May …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • coelom — coelomic /si lom ik, loh mik/, adj. /see leuhm/, n., pl. coeloms, coelomata /si loh meuh teuh/. Zool. the body cavity of higher metazoans, between the body wall and intestine, lined with a mesodermal epithelium. Also, coelome /see lohm/, celom.… …   Universalium

  • coelom — noun A fluid filled cavity within the body of an animal. The digestive system is suspended within the cavity, which is lined by a tissue called the peritoneum. See Also: coelomate, coelomic …   Wiktionary

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