- Turicella
- Turi·cel·la (t
r″ĭ-selґə) a genus of gram-positive, club-shaped bacteria of the order Bifidobacteriales that has not been assigned to a family.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Turicella otitidis — a species that is a normal colonizer of the human auditory canal and occasionally causes opportunistic infections … Medical dictionary
Систематика прокариот — Содержание 1 Систематика Архей 2 Систематика Эубактерий 3 См. также … Википедия
Stigmella tityrella — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia
SUBTILE — apud Ecclesiae Rom. Scriptores vestis Subdiaconorum est, quae et Strictatunica et Turicella, vide ibi, appellatur. Durandus Ration l. 3. c. 30. Tunica, quae alibi Subtile, in lege vero ποδήρης. Canonicis Regularibus illam tribuit Io. Buschius,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale