Haller tripod

Haller tripod
truncus coeliacus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Haller — Albrecht von, Swiss physiologist, 1708–1777. See H. ansa, H. anulus, H. arches, under arch, H. circle, H. cones, under cone, H. habenula, H. insula, H. line, H. plexus, H. rete, H. vascular tissue, H. tripod, H. tunica vasculosa, H. unguis, H.… …   Medical dictionary

  • tripod — 1. Three legged. 2. A stand having three legs or supports. [G. tripous, fr. tri + pous, foot] Haller t. SYN: celiac (arterial) trunk. vital t. the brain, the heart, and the lungs, regarded as the three organs essential to life. * * * …   Medical dictionary

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