Bernoulli trials

Bernoulli trials
in statistics, a series of independent trials, each having only two mutually exclusive outcomes, commonly called âœsuccess❠and âœfailure,❠so that if the probability of success is p> and that of failure is q>, then p> + q> = 1 and the probability of success remains the same throughout the trials. Cf. Bernoulli distribution.

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  • Bernoulli trials — Math. repeated independent experiments having two possible outcomes for each experiment with the probability for each outcome remaining constant throughout the experiments, as tossing a coin several times. [1950 55; named after Jakob BERNOULLI] …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Bernoulli's theorem — Title used for the ‘law of large numbers’ in probability theory, proved by Jakob Bernoulli (1654–1705). The theorem provides the best known link between probability and the frequency of occurrence of events in a sequence of trials. It is thus… …   Philosophy dictionary

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