- tracheole
- tra·che·ole (traґke-ōl) one of the minute, fluid-filled tubules in which the tracheae of a terrestrial arthropod terminate, which contain air cells and permeate all the body tissues.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
trachéole — ● trachéole nom féminin (diminutif de trachée) Ramification du tube capillaire faisant suite à une trachée d arthropode. (C est au niveau des trachéoles que l oxygène est absorbé par les cellules.) trachéole [tʀakeɔl] n. f. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tracheole — (trā kē ōl ) is one of the fine branching tubes of the trachea of an insect, which penetrates the tissues to provide oxygen.It is of similar thickness to a human hair and contains a large amount of enzymes to cleanse the air of unwanted particles … Wikipedia
tracheole — [trā′kē ōl΄] n. [ TRACHE(O) + ole, dim. suffix < Fr < L olus, olum, ola] any of the extremely small, thin walled, respiratory tubules originating from the ends of the smallest insect tracheae … English World dictionary
tracheole — noun Etymology: New Latin tracheola, diminutive of trachea Date: 1901 one of the minute delicate endings of a branched trachea of an insect • tracheolar adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tracheole — Tracheen (Singular: Trachee oder Trachea) sind verzweigte Kanäle zur Versorgung der Gewebe eines Tieres mit Luft. Sie sind charakteristisch für die Gliederfüßer (Arthropoda). Im Laufe der Evolution sind sie wahrscheinlich mehrmals unabhängig aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trachéole — Respiration de l insecte L insecte, à la différence d autres animaux ou autres arthropodes, n est pas muni de poumons. Il respire par un système de trachées se divisant en trachéoles, et apportant directement l air aux cellules. Les trachées… … Wikipédia en Français
tracheole — /tray kee ohl /, n. Entomol. any of the smallest branches of an insect trachea. [1900 05; TRACHE(A) + OLE1] * * * … Universalium
tracheole — noun One of the fine branching tubes of the trachea of an insect, which penetrates the tissues to provide oxygen. Derived from diminutive of trachea … Wiktionary
tracheole — tra·che·ole … English syllables
tracheole — tra•che•ole [[t]ˈtreɪ kiˌoʊl[/t]] n. ent any of the smallest branches of an insect trachea • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang