
A type of inclusion compound in which small molecules are trapped in the cagelike lattice of macromolecules. [L. clathrare, pp. -atus, to furnish with a lattice]

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clath·rate 'klath-.rāt adj relating to or being a compound formed by the inclusion of molecules of one kind in cavities of the crystal lattice of another
clathrate n a clathrate compound

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clath·rate (klathґrāt) [L. clathare to provide with a lattice] 1. having the shape or appearance of a lattice. 2. clathrate compound. 3. pertaining to such a compound.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • clathrate — [klath′rāt΄] adj. [L clathratus, pp. of clathrare, to furnish with a lattice < L clathri, lattice < Gr (Doric) klaithra, a bar, fence] 1. Bot. resembling latticework; reticulated 2. Chem. of or pertaining to a mixture in which the molecules …   English World dictionary

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  • clathrate — adjective Etymology: Latin clathratus, furnished with a lattice, from clathri (plural) lattice, from Greek klēithron bar, from kleiein to close more at clavicle Date: 1906 relating to or being a compound formed by the inclusion of molecules of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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