- Cladosporium
- A genus of fungi having dematiaceous or dark-colored conidiophores with oval or round spores, commonly isolated in soil or plant residues. [G. klados, a branch, + sporos, seed]- C. cladosporioides a species reported to cause local infection at the site of a skin test in an HIV-infected patient.- C. werneckii SYN: Exophiala werneckii.- C. (Xylohypha) bantianum a species of fungi that causes cerebral cladosporiosis; probably synonymous with C. trichoides.
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Clad·o·spo·ri·um .klad-ə-'spōr-ē-əm, -'spȯr- n a genus of imperfect fungi having conidia borne on branched conidiophores and the conidia with usu. one or in age two or three septa and including some economically important species see BLACK SPOT* * *
Clad·o·spo·ri·um (klad″o-sporґe-əm) [Gr. klados branch + spores seed] a genus of chiefly saprobic Fungi Imperfecti of the form-class Hyphomycetes, form-family Dematiaceae, having mainly aseptate, acropetal conidia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.