optical coherence tomography
- optical coherence tomography
- (OCT) the creation of high-resolution (close to that of light microscopy) cross-sectional images of body structures by recording the reflection of infrared waves from the tissues, using an energy source and a detector in a method similar to that used in B-mode ultrasonography.
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Optical coherence tomography — Intervention Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) image of a sarcoma MeSH … Wikipedia
Optical Coherence Tomography — Optische Kohärenztomografie (engl. optical coherence tomography, OCT) ist ein Untersuchungsverfahren, bei dem Licht geringer Kohärenzlänge mit Hilfe eines Interferometers zur Entfernungsmessung reflektiver Materialien eingesetzt wird. Vorteile… … Deutsch Wikipedia
optical Doppler tomography — optical coherence tomography in which shifts in frequency caused by interaction between the infrared waves and moving particles in tissue are used to measure the particle velocities (e.g., in the imaging of blood flow), based on the principle of… … Medical dictionary
Optical tomography — Intervention MeSH D041622 Optical tomography is a form of computed tomography that creates a digital volumetric model of an object by reconstructing images made from light transmitted and scattered through an … Wikipedia
Optical interferometry — combines two or more light waves in an optical instrument in such a way that interference occurs between them. Early interferometers used white light sources and also monochromatic light from atomic sources (e.g., Young s double slit experiment… … Wikipedia
Optical heterodyne detection — is an important special case of heterodyne detection. In heterodyne detection, a signal of interest at some frequency is non linearly mixed with a reference local oscillator (LO) that is set at a close by frequency. The desired outcome is the… … Wikipedia
Optical imaging — is an imaging technique. Optics usually describes the behavior of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light used in imaging. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, similar phenomena occur in X rays, microwaves, radio waves. Chemical imaging or… … Wikipedia
Optical physics — Optical physics, or optical science, is a subfield of atomic, molecular, and optical physics. It is the study of the generation of electromagnetic radiation, the properties of that radiation, and the interaction of that radiation with matter,… … Wikipedia
Coherence (physics) — In physics, coherence is a property of waves that enables stationary (i.e. temporally and spatially constant) interference. More generally, coherence describes all properties of the correlation between physical quantities of a wave. When… … Wikipedia
Tomography — Basic principle of tomography: superposition free tomographic cross sections S1 and S2 compared with the projected image P Tomography refers to imaging by sections or sectioning, through the use of any kind of penetrating wave. A device used in… … Wikipedia