- heterologous tissue
- tissue unlike any other that is normal to the organism.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
heterologous — 1. Pertaining to cytologic or histologic elements occurring where they are not normally found. SEE ALSO: xenogeneic. 2. Derived from an animal of a different species, as the serum of a horse is h. for a rabbit. [hetero + G. logos, ratio,… … Medical dictionary
heterologous tumor — heterotypic tumor a tumor made up of tissue different from the tissue it is growing in … Medical dictionary
heterologous — /hɛtəˈrɒləgəs/ (say hetuh roluhguhs) adjective 1. having a different relation; not corresponding. 2. Pathology consisting of tissue unlike the normal tissue, as a tumour …
heterologous — /het euh rol euh geuhs/, adj. 1. Biol. of different origin; pertaining to heterology. 2. Med., Pathol. consisting of dissimilar tissue, as that of another species or that of a tumor. 3. Immunol. pertaining to an antigen that elicits a reaction in … Universalium
heterologous — het•er•ol•o•gous [[t]ˌhɛt əˈrɒl ə gəs[/t]] adj. 1) bio of unlike evolutionary origin, as apparently similar organic structures 2) med pat consisting of dissimilar tissue, as that of another species or that of a tumor 3) imu pertaining to an… … From formal English to slang
accidental tissue — a tissue growing in or upon a part to which it is foreign; it may be either analogous or heterologous … Medical dictionary
Bypass — An operation in which a surgeon creates a new tubular pathway for the movement of fluids and/or other substances in the body. * * * 1. A shunt or auxiliary flow. 2. To create new flow from one structure to another through a diversionary channel.… … Medical dictionary
Ocular prosthesis — For the functional replacement or bionic eye, see Visual prosthetic. An ocular prosthesis … Wikipedia
heteroplasm — het·ero·plasm het ə rō .plaz əm n tissue formed or growing where it does not normally occur * * * het·ero·plasm (hetґər o plaz″əm) any heterologous tissue … Medical dictionary
xenogeneic — Heterologous, with respect to tissue grafts, especially when donor and recipient belong to widely separated species. SYN: xenogenic (2), xenogenous (2). [xeno + G. gen, producing] * * * xe·no·ge·ne·ic .zen ō jə nē ik, .zēn also xe·no·gen·ic jen… … Medical dictionary