
The radiographic study of the basal cisterns of the brain after the subarachnoid introduction of an opaque or other contrast medium, or a radiopharmaceutical with a suitable detector. [cisterna + G. grapho, to write]
- cerebellopontine c. the radiographic study of the cerebellopontine angle and contiguous structures after the introduction of a radiopaque contrast medium into the subarachnoid space.
- radionuclide c. scintigraphic imaging of the cisterns at the base of the brain following subarachnoid injection of a gamma-emitting radiopharmaceutical.

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cis·ter·nog·ra·phy .sis-(.)tər-'näg-rə-fē n, pl -phies radiographic visualization of the subarachnoid spaces containing cerebrospinal fluid following injection of an opaque contrast medium

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cis·ter·nog·ra·phy (sis″tər-nogґrə-fe) radiography of the basal cistern of the brain after subarachnoid injection of a contrast medium. cisternographic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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