- iodine tincture
- [USP] a preparation of iodine and sodium iodide in diluted alcohol, used as a topical antiinfective.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
iodine tincture — jodo tinktūra statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Etanolinis jodo ir KI arba NaI tirpalas. atitikmenys: angl. iodine tincture; tincture of iodine rus. иодная настойка … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
strong iodine tincture — an alcoholic solution containing 6.8–7.5 g of iodine and 4.7–5.5 g of potassium iodide in each 100 mL; used as an irritant, antibacterial, and antifungal agent … Medical dictionary
Tincture — In medicine, a tincture is an alcoholic extract (e.g. of leaves or other plant material) or solution of a non volatile substance; e.g. of iodine, mercurochrome). To qualify as a tincture, the alcoholic extract is to have a ethanol percentage of… … Wikipedia
tincture of iodine — jodo tinktūra statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Etanolinis jodo ir KI arba NaI tirpalas. atitikmenys: angl. iodine tincture; tincture of iodine rus. иодная настойка … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Tincture of iodine — is a disinfectant, usually 8% elemental iodine in ethanol. Overview Tincture of iodine is often found in emergency survival kits, used both to disinfect wounds and to sanitize surface water for drinkingcite… … Wikipedia
Iodine — (IPAEng|ˈaɪədaɪn, ˈaɪədɪn, or IPA|/ˈaɪədiːn/; from el. ιώδης iodes violet ), is a chemical element that has the symbol I and atomic number 53. Naturally occurring iodine is a single isotope with 74 neutrons. Chemically, iodine is the least… … Wikipedia
Iodine (disambiguation) — Iodine is a chemical element.Iodine may also refer to:*Isotopes of iodine: **Iodine 123 **Iodine 124 **Iodine 125 **Iodine 129 **Iodine 131*Iodine clock reaction *Iodine deficiency *Iodine Recordings *Iodine test *Iodine value *Tincture of… … Wikipedia
iodine — [ī′ə dīn΄, ī′ədin; ] Brit & among chemists [, ī′ədēn΄] n. [Fr iode, iodine (< Gr iōdēs, violetlike < ion, a violet + eidos, form: see OID) + INE3] 1. a nonmetallic chemical element, one of the halogens, consisting of grayish black crystals… … English World dictionary
Iodine — An essential element in the diet used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroxine (T4) has four iodine molecules attached to its structure, while… … Medical dictionary
tincture of iodine — noun a tincture consisting of a solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol; applied topically to wounds as an antiseptic • Syn: ↑iodine • Hypernyms: ↑tincture, ↑antiseptic … Useful english dictionary