- cingulum
- 1. SYN: girdle. 2. A well-marked fiber bundle passing longitudinally in the white matter of the cingulate gyrus; the bundle extends from the region of the anterior perforated substance back over the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum; behind the latter's splenium it curves down and then forward in the white matter of the parahippocampal gyrus; composed largely of fibers from the anterior thalamic nucleus to the cingulate and parahippocampal gyri, it also contains association fibers connecting these gyri with the frontal cortex, and their various subdivisions with each other. [L. girdle, fr. cingo, to surround]- c. membri inferioris pelvic girdle.- c. membri superioris pectoral girdle.- c. pectorale [TA] SYN: pectoral girdle.- c. pelvici [TA] SYN: pelvic girdle.- c. of tooth [TA] a U- or W-shaped ridge at the base of the lingual surface of the crown of the upper incisors and cuspid teeth, the lateral limbs running for a short distance along the linguoproximal line angles, the central portion just above the gingiva. SYN: c. dentis [TA], basal ridge (2), lingual lobe.
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1) a ridge about the base of the crown of a tooth2) a tract of association fibers lying within the cingulate gyrus and connecting the callosal and hippocampal convolutions of the brain* * *
n. (pl. cingula)1. a curved bundle of nerve fibres in each cerebral hemisphere, nearly encircling its connection with the corpus callosum. See cerebrum.2. a small protuberance on the lingual surface of the crowns of incisor and canine teeth.* * *
cin·gu·lum (singґgu-ləm) pl. cinґgula [L. “girdleâ€] 1. an encircling structure or part; anything that encircles a body. Called also cingule and girdle. 2. [TA] a bundle of association fibers deep to the cingulate gyrus and partly encircling the corpus callosum not far from the median plane; the fibers interrelate the cingulate and hippocampal gyri. 3. the lingual lobe of an anterior tooth, making up the bulk of the cervical third of its lingual surface; called also basal, linguocervical, and linguogingival ridge. cingulate adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.