provocative test
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provocative — pro·voc·a·tive prə väk ət iv adj serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate <provocative test for coronary spasm (Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc.)> * * * pro·voc·a·tive (pro vokґə tiv) stimulating the appearance of a sign, reflex,… … Medical dictionary
water provocative test — drinking t … Medical dictionary
test — 1. To prove; to try a substance; to determine the chemical nature of a substance by means of reagents. 2. A method of examination, as to determine the presence or absence of a definite disease or of some substance in any of the fluids, tissues,… … Medical dictionary
test diet — a diet designed to test allergy or sensitivity to certain foods by selectively omitting or including those foods, such as an elimination diet or provocative diet … Medical dictionary
stimulation test — a type of challenge or provocative test used when hypofunction of an endocrine gland is suspected that cannot be detected by other means; either an exogenous releasing hormone or some other substance is administered to stimulate release of the… … Medical dictionary
2006 North Korean missile test — For other North Korean missile tests, see North Korean missile tests. Two rounds of North Korean missile tests were conducted on July 5, 2006. The Democratic People s Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea) reportedly fired at least seven… … Wikipedia
International reactions to the 2006 North Korean nuclear test — were nearly unanimous in their condemnation and denunciation of the test. Africa*flag|Egypt: The Egyptian Foreign Ministry expressed its concern over the test and called for all parties to exercise restraint and to return to the Six Party Talks.… … Wikipedia
Command test record — The Command test record (Stereo Check Out) was an LP album produced by Command Records in 1960. It contained recordings designed to allow users to test their stereo equipment. Contents 1 Command Records 2 Album details 2.1 Side one … Wikipedia
Thematic Apperception Test — The Thematic Apperception Test is an example of a projective test.Historically, the Thematic Apperception Test or TAT has been amongst the most widely used, researched, and taught projective psychological tests. Its adherents claim that it taps a … Wikipedia
gasp test — n. A symbolic test used to determine whether something is shocking or provocative. Example Citation: Try the gasp or giggle test. If you show your photos to friends and family and their response is ooh, aah, wow, chances are good that you should… … New words