- chyluria
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chy·lu·ria kī-'l(y)u̇r-ē-ə n the presence of chyle in the urine as a result of organic disease (as of the kidney) or of mechanical lymphatic esp. parasitic obstruction* * *
n.the presence of chyle in the urine.* * *
chy·lu·ria (kīl-uґre-ə) [chylo- + -uria] the presence of chyle in the urine, giving it a milky appearance; this follows obstruction somewhere between the intestinal lymphatics and the thoracic duct, which causes rupture of renal lymphatics into the renal tubules. It also is seen as a result of obstruction of the retroperitoneal lymphatics in bancroftian filariasis. Called also chylous urine.
Medical dictionary. 2011.