Teichmann crystals test
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Teichmann's crystal — Teich·mann s crystal tīk mənz n a crystal of hemin obtainable from hemoglobin that is used in a test for the detection of blood (as in a stain) Teich·mann tīk .män Ludwik Karol (1823 1895) Polish anatomist. Teichmann attended medical school in… … Medical dictionary
teichmann's crystal — ˈtīḵmənz noun Usage: usually capitalized T Etymology: after L. K. Teichmann Stawiarski died 1895 German anatomist : one of the crystals of hemin obtainable from hemoglobin and useful as a test for blood : blood crystal … Useful english dictionary
Teichmann Test — Also called hemin crystals. Used as a confirmatory test for bloodstains … Forensic science glossary
Teichmann test — (for blood) the suspected liquid is put under a coverglass with a crystal of sodium chloride and a little glacial acetic acid; heat carefully without boiling and then cool. If blood is present, rhombic crystals of hemin will appear … Medical dictionary
crystal — A solid of regular shape and, for a given compound, characteristic angles, formed when an element or compound solidifies slowly enough, as a result either of freezing from the liquid form or of precipitating out of solution, to allow the… … Medical dictionary