
The graphic record produced by chromatography.

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chro·mato·gram krō-'mat-ə-.gram, krə- n
1) the pattern formed on the adsorbent medium by the layers of components separated by chromatography
2) a time-based graphic record (as of concentration of eluted materials) of a chromatographic separation

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chro·mato·gram (kro-matґo-gram) [chromato- + gram] originally, the pattern of bands of substances separated by column chromatography, so called because the technique was first used to separate plant pigments producing a pattern of colored bands; by extension, a permanent record produced by any form of chromatography, e.g., in paper or thin-layer chromatography, a dried and stained filter paper or plate and, in gas or high-performance liquid chromatography, the chart recorder output.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • chromatogram — noun Date: 1922 1. the pattern formed on an adsorbent medium by the layers of components separated by chromatography 2. a time based graphic record (as of concentration of eluted materials) of a chromatographic separation …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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