
A small mass of erectile tissue situated at the anterior apex of the vestibule.
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A cylindric, erectile body, rarely exceeding 2 cm in length, situated at the most anterior portion of the vulva and projecting between the branched limbs or laminae of the labia minora, which form its prepuce and frenulum. It consists of a glans, a corpus, and two crura, and is the homolog of the penis in the male, except that it is not perforated by the urethra and does not possess a corpus spongiosum. [G. kleitoris]

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cli·to·ris 'klit-ə-rəs, kli-'tȯr-əs n, pl cli·to·ri·des kli-'tȯr-ə-.dēz a small erectile organ at the anterior or ventral part of the vulva homologous to the penis
cli·to·ral 'klit-ə-rəl also cli·tor·ic kli-'tȯr-ik, -'tär- adj

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the female counterpart of the penis, which contains erectile tissue (see corpus cavernosum) but is unconnected with the urethra. Like the penis it becomes erect under conditions of sexual stimulation, to which it is very sensitive.

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clit·o·ris (klitґə-ris) (kliґtə-ris) (klĭ-torґis) [Gr. kleitoris] [TA] a small, elongated, erectile body at the anterior angle of the rima pudendi in the female; it is homologous with the penis in the male. clitoral adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • clitoris — [ klitɔris ] n. m. • 1611; gr. kleitoris ♦ Petit organe érectile de la vulve, situé à la jonction de l extrémité supérieure des petites lèvres. Ablation du clitoris. ⇒ excision. Abrév. fam. (1972) CLITO . ● clitoris nom masculin (grec kleitoris)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • clítoris — m. anat. Órgano pequeño, eréctil, alargado y muy sensible del aparato genital femenino; está situado en la región anterior y superior de la vulva, en la unión de los labios menores, formado por dos cuerpos cavernosos. Medical Dictionary. 2011 …   Diccionario médico

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  • Clitoris — Cli to*ris (kl[imac] t[ o]*r[i^]s or kl[i^]t [ o]*r[i^]s), n. [NL., fr. Gr. kleitori s, fr. klei ein to shut up. It is concealed by the labia pudendi.] (Anat.) A small organ at the upper part of the vulva in females, homologous to the penis in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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