- chondroma
- extraskeletal c. a c. located in soft tissues, usually of the fingers, hands, and feet, not connected to underlying bone or periosteum.- juxtacortical c. SYN: periosteal c..- periosteal c. a c. that develops from periosteum or periosteal connective tissue. SYN: juxtacortical c..
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chon·dro·ma kän-'drō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a benign tumor containing the structural elements of cartilage compare CHONDROSARCOMAchon·dro·ma·tous (')kän-'dräm-ət-əs, -'drōm- adj* * *
n.a relatively common benign tumour of cartilage-forming cells, which may occur at the growing end of any bone but is found most commonly in the bones of the feet and hands. It may be a chance finding on X-ray, it may expand the bone, or it may be the site of a pathological fracture.* * *
chon·dro·ma (kon-droґmə) pl. chondromas, chondroґmata [chondr- + -oma] a benign tumor or tumorlike growth of mature hyaline cartilage. It may remain centrally within the substance of a cartilage or bone (enchondroma) or may develop on the surface of a cartilage or bone (juxtacortical chondroma), and usually occurs in adolescents or young adults in the small bones of the hands or feet, the femur, the humerus, or the ribs.
Medical dictionary. 2011.