
A small calloused area of skin caused by local pressure irritating tissue over a bony prominence. Also called a corn. A clavus most commonly occurs over a toe where it forms what is referred to as a hard corn. Between the toes, pressure can form a soft corn of macerated skin which often yellows. The word "clavus" is the Latin word for nail. The word corn comes from the Latin "cornu" meaning horn or hoof.
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1. A small conical callosity caused by pressure over a bony prominence, usually on a toe. SYN: corn. [L. a nail, wart, corn]

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cla·vus 'klā-vəs, 'kläv-əs n, pl cla·vi 'klā-., 'kläv-.ē CORN

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a sharp pain in the head, as if a nail were being driven in.

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cla·vus (klaґvəs) pl. claґvi [L. âœnailâ] corn (def. 1).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • clavus — CLÁVUS, clavusuri, s.n. (med.) Bătătură. – Din fr., lat. clavus. Trimis de ibogdank, 02.09.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  CLÁVUS s. v. bătătură. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime  clávus s. n …   Dicționar Român

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  • Clavus — Cla vus, n. [L., a nail.] A callous growth, esp. one the foot; a corn. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Clavus — (lat.), 1) Nagel, z.B. C. annalis (röm.[200] Ant.), s. u. Annal 1); daher Clavarium (Nagelgeld), beim römischen Militär in der Kaiserzeit eine Art des Donativum (s.d.) zur Anschaffung u. Erhaltung des Geschühes; 2) Purpurstreif auf der Tunica,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Clavus — El clavus, o laticlavus era la franja de color violeta o púrpura que llevaban los senadores romanos en sus ropas. Tiene este nombre porque los tintes se sacaban de un molusco que también se llamaba clavus. Clavus, con significado de clavo, hace… …   Wikipedia Español

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