
A pigmented compound of globin and iron porphyrin (with an open ring due to cleavage of the α-methene bridge by α-methyl oxygenase); the first intermediate in the degradation of hemoglobin, further degraded successively to verdohemochrome, biliverdin, and bilirubin. SYN: bile pigment hemoglobin, green hemoglobin, verdohemoglobin.

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cho·le·glo·bin 'kō-lə-.glō-bən, 'käl-ə- n a green pigment that occurs in bile, is a combination of globin and a ferric salt of biliverdin, and is formed by breakdown of hemoglobin

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cho·le·glo·bin (ko″le-gloґbin) a compound of globin and an open-ring iron porphyrin, being an intermediate in the formation of bile pigment from the catabolism of hemoglobin.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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