strata parvocellularia nuclei dorsalis corporis geniculati lateralis
- strata parvocellularia nuclei dorsalis corporis geniculati lateralis
- [TA] parvocellular layers of dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus: the outer dorsal layers (laminae 3, 4, 5, 6) of the lateral geniculate nucleus, which are composed of small neurons receiving input from the contralateral (4, 6) and ipsilateral (3, 5) sides and collectively projecting to the primary visual cortex.
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parvocellular layers of dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus — strata parvocellularia nuclei dorsalis corporis geniculati lateralis … Medical dictionary
Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… … Medical dictionary