
Radiographic study of the gallbladder after oral administration of a cholecystopaque; or scintigraphic imaging of the gallbladder and central bile ducts after administration of a radiopharmaceutical secreted by the liver. SYN: Graham-Cole test. [chole- + G. kystis, bladder, + grapho, to write]

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cho·le·cys·tog·ra·phy -(.)sis-'täg-rə-fē n, pl -phies the radiographic visualization of the gallbladder after ingestion or injection of a radiopaque substance
cho·le·cys·to·graph·ic -.sis-tə-'graf-ik adj

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X-ray examination of the gall bladder. A compound that is opaque to X-rays is taken by mouth, absorbed by the intestine, and excreted by the liver into the bile, which is concentrated in the gall bladder. An X-ray photograph (cholecystogram) of the gall bladder indicates whether or not it is functioning, and gallstones may be seen as contrasting (nonopaque) areas within it. A fatty meal is usually also given, to demonstrate the ability of the gall bladder to contract. This technique has largely been replaced by ultrasound scanning.

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cho·le·cys·tog·ra·phy (ko″lə-sis-togґrə-fe) [cholecysto- + -graphy] radiography of the gallbladder.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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