- supramaximal stimulus
- a stimulus more intense than a maximal one; used in electrodiagnostic studies to ensure that the evoked potential stays at its maximum level.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
supramaximal — su·pra·max·i·mal mak si məl adj higher or greater than a corresponding maximal <a supramaximal stimulus> su·pra·max·i·mal·ly ē adv * * * su·pra·max·i·mal (soo″prə makґsĭ məl) above the maximum … Medical dictionary
supramaximal — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at supra + adjective Etymology: supra + maximal : higher or greater than a corresponding maximal a supramaximal stimulus … Useful english dictionary
stimulus — 1. A stimulant. 2. That which can elicit or evoke action (response) in a muscle, nerve, gland or other excitable tissue, or cause an augmenting action upon any function or metabolic … Medical dictionary
maximal stimulus — a stimulus of just sufficient intensity to cause the maximal amplitude of the evoked potential; see also supramaximal s … Medical dictionary
Electroneuronography — (ENoG) is a neurological non invasive test that was first described by Esslen and Fisch in 1979 and is used to examine the integrity and conductivity of a peripheral nerve. It consists of a brief electrical stimulation of the nerve in one point… … Wikipedia
F wave — In neuroscience, an F wave is the second of two voltage changes observed after electrical stimulation is applied to the skin surface above the distal region of a nerve. F waves are often used to measure nerve conduction velocity, and are… … Wikipedia
Motor unit number estimation — (MUNE) is a technique that uses electromyography to estimate the number of motor units in a muscle. Principles A motor unit consists of one alpha motoneuron and all the muscle fibres it innervates. Muscles differ in the number of motor units that … Wikipedia
Nerve conduction study — A nerve conduction study (NCS) is a test commonly used to evaluate the function, especially the ability of electrical conduction, of the motor and sensory nerves of the human body. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is a common measurement made… … Wikipedia
suprathreshold — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at supra + adjective Etymology: supra + threshold : supramaximal for threshhold a suprathreshold stimulus … Useful english dictionary