Stilling-TÑŒrk-Duane syndrome
- Stilling-TÑŒrk-Duane syndrome
- Stil·ling-TÑŒrk-Du·ane syndrome (shtilґing tērk dwān) [J. Stilling; Siegmund TÑŒrk, Swiss ophthalmologist, late 19th century; Alexander Duane, American ophthalmologist, 1858–1926] Duane syndrome; see under syndrome.
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Duane syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H50.8 ICD 9 378.71 … Wikipedia
Duane syndrome — a hereditary congenital syndrome in which the affected eye shows limitation or absence of abduction, restriction of adduction, retraction of the globe on adduction, narrowing of the palpebral fissure on adduction and widening on abduction, and… … Medical dictionary
Stilling syndrome — Stilling TÑŒrk Duane syndrome Duane s … Medical dictionary
Stilling syndrome — Stil·ling syndrome (shtilґing) [Jakob Stilling, German ophthalmologist, 1842–1915] Duane syndrome; see under syndrome … Medical dictionary
Jakob Stilling — (September 22, 1842 April 30, 1915) was a German ophthalmologist from Kassel. He studied medicine at several locations including Paris and Würzburg, and obtained his doctorate in 1865. In 1867 he became an eye doctor in Kassel, and later… … Wikipedia
síndrome de Stilling-Turk-Duane — Eng. Stilling Turk Duane syndrome Ver síndrome de retracción de Duane … Diccionario de oftalmología
Síndrome de Duane — Clasificación y recursos externos CIE 10 H50.8 CIE 9 378.71 OMIM … Wikipedia Español
síndrome de retracción de Duane — Eng. Duane s retraction syndrome Síndrome transmitido de forma autosómica dominante en el que existe una invervación paradójica de los músculos recto interno y externo que se caracteriza por estrechamiento de la hendidura palpebral en aducción y… … Diccionario de oftalmología
síndrome de Stilling — Eng. Stilling s syndrome Ver síndrome de retracción de Duane … Diccionario de oftalmología
síndrome de Turk-Stilling — Eng. Turk Stilling syndrome Ver síndrome de retracción de Duane … Diccionario de oftalmología