- cholangiography
- Radiographic examination of the bile ducts with contrast medium. [chol- + G. angeion, vessel, + grapho, to write]- cystic duct c. radiography of the biliary system after introduction of contrast medium through the cystic duct.- intravenous c. c. of bile ducts opacified by hepatic secretion of an intravenously injected contrast medium.- percutaneous c. radiography of the biliary system after introduction of contrast medium by inserting a needle through the skin, inferior to the right costal margin, into the substance of the liver or into the gallbladder.- percutaneous transhepatic c. (PTHC) contrast radiographic examination of biliary system performed by injection of radiopaque dye through a percutaneously placed needle inserted into an intrahepatic bile duct.
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chol·an·gi·og·ra·phy kə-.lan-jē-'äg-rə-fē, (.)kō- n, pl -phies radiographic visualization of the bile ducts after ingestion or injection of a radiopaque substancechol·an·gio·graph·ic -jē-ə-'graf-ik adj* * *
n.X-ray examination of the bile ducts, used to demonstrate the site and nature of any obstruction to the ducts or to show the presence of stones within them. A medium that is opaque to X-rays is introduced into the ducts either by injection into the bloodstream (intravenous cholangiography); direct injection into the liver (percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography); direct injection into the bile ducts at operation (operative cholangiography); or by injection into the duodenal opening of the bile ducts through a duodenoscope (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; see ERCP). See also percutaneous transhepatic cholangiopancreatography.* * *
cho·lan·gi·og·ra·phy (ko-lan″je-ogґrə-fe) [cholangio- + -graphy] radiography of the biliary ducts after administration or injection of a contrast medium, orally, intravenously, or percutaneously.
Medical dictionary. 2011.