
1. An agent that promotes the flow of bile into the intestine, especially as a result of contraction of the gallbladder. 2. Relating to such an agent or effect. SYN: cholagogic. [chol- + G. agogos, drawing forth]

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cho·la·gogue 'käl-ə-.gäg, 'kōl- n an agent that promotes an increased flow of bile

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a drug that stimulates the flow of bile from the gall bladder and bile ducts into the duodenum.

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chol·a·gogue (koґlə-gog) [chol- + -agogue] an agent that stimulates the flow of bile into the duodenum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • cholagogue — [ kɔlagɔg ] adj. • 1560; de chol(é) et gr. agein « conduire » ♦ Méd. Qui facilite l évacuation de la bile. N. m. Le sorbitol est un cholagogue. ● cholagogue adjectif et nom masculin Médicament destiné à provoquer la vidange de la vésicule… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Cholagogue — Chol a*gogue, a. [Gr. ?; ? bile + ? leading, ? to lead: cf. F. cholagogue.] (Med.) Promoting the discharge of bile from the system. n. An agent which promotes the discharge of bile from the system. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cholagogue — CHOLAGOGUE. adj. des 2 genres. (Pronon. Kolagogue.) Terme de Médecine. Qui fait couler la bile. La fumeterre, la scammonée, l aloès sontcholagogues. [b]f♛/b] Il se prend aussi substantivement. Il faut faire prendre des cholagogues à ce malade …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Cholagogue — A cholagogue is a medicinal agent which promotes the discharge of bile from the system, purging it downward. In Patrick O Brian s book The Post Captain, which is set in the Napoleonic era, Stephen Maturin, one of the book s main characters (who… …   Wikipedia

  • Cholagogue — Une substance cholagogue a pour effet de faciliter l évacuation de la bile vers l intestin. Cholagogues végétaux Immortelle commune (Helichrysum stoechas) Portail de la pharmacie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • cholagogue — /koh leuh gawg , gog , kol euh /, Med. adj. 1. Also, cholagogic /koh leuh goj ik, kol euh /. promoting the flow of bile. n. 2. a cholagogue agent. [1605 15; < F < Gk cholagogós. See CHOL , AGOGUE] * * * …   Universalium

  • cholagogue — (ko la go gh ) adj. Terme de médecine. Qui purge la bile, qui agit sur l appareil biliaire.    S. m. Les cholagogues. •   Le purger par cholagogues, MOL. Pourc. I, 11. HISTORIQUE    XVIe s. •   L evacuation se fera par la phlebotomie et par… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • cholagogue — adj. causes the secretion of bile (Medicine) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • cholagogue — chol·a·gogue …   English syllables

  • cholagogue — n. a drug that stimulates the flow of bile from the gall bladder and bile ducts into the duodenum …   The new mediacal dictionary

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