- fortification spectrum
- a form of migraine aura characterized by scintillating or zigzag bands of colored light forming the edge of an area of teichopsia. Called also fortification figures.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
fortification spectrum — Also known as fortification figure, fortification of Vauban, geometrical spectrum, herringbone, flittering scotoma, Norman arch, scintillating scotoma, telehopsia, and teichopsia. The introduction of the term fortification spectrum is commonly … Dictionary of Hallucinations
fortification figures — fortification spectrum; see under spectrum … Medical dictionary
fortification of vauban — Also known as fortification figure, fortification spectrum, flittering scotoma, geometrical spectrum, herringbone, Norman arch, scintillating scotoma, telehopsia, and teichopsia. The introduction of the eponym fortification of Vauban stems… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
fortification figure — see fortification spectrum … Dictionary of Hallucinations
spectrum — 1. The range of colors presented when white light is resolved into its constituent colors by being passed through a prism or through a diffraction grating : red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet … Medical dictionary
bilateral spectrum — Also known as bilateral scotoma. The term bilateral spectrum comes from the Latin words bi (two), latus (side), and spectrum (image, apparition). It is used to denote a relatively rare fortification spectrum (i.e. a * scintillating sco toma),… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
rainbow spectrum — The term rainbow spectrum comes from the Latin noun spectrum, which means image, representation, shadow. It is used to denote a relatively rare * fortification spectrum (i.e. a * scintillating scotoma) which may occur in the context of a *… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
geometrical spectrum — see fortification spectrum … Dictionary of Hallucinations
scintillating scotoma — Also known as flittering scotoma, fortification spectrum, fortification figure, fortification of Vauban, geometrical spectrum, herringbone, Norman arch, telehopsia, and teichopsia. The term scintillating scotoma is indebted to the Latin noun… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
teichopsia — Also known as fortification spectrum, fortification figure, fortification of Vauban, geometrical spectrum, herringbone, Norman arch, scintillating scotoma, and flittering scotoma. The term teichopsia comes from the Greek words teichos (wall),… … Dictionary of Hallucinations