progressive torsion spasm
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Edward Flatau — was a Polish neurologist. His work greatly impacted the developing field of neurology. He established neurobiologic and neuropathological sciences in Poland. He published a human brain atlas in 1894, wrote a fundamental book on migraines (1912),… … Wikipedia
dystonia musculorum deformans — dystonia mus·cu·lo·rum de·for·mans .məs kyə lȯr əm di fȯr .manz n a rare inherited neurological disorder characterized by progressive muscular spasticity causing severe involuntary contortions esp. of the trunk and limbs called also torsion… … Medical dictionary
Disease — Illness or sickness often characterized by typical patient problems (symptoms) and physical findings (signs). Disruption sequence: The events that occur when a fetus that is developing normally is subjected to a destructive agent such as the… … Medical dictionary
military technology — Introduction range of weapons, equipment, structures, and vehicles used specifically for the purpose of fighting. It includes the knowledge required to construct such technology, to employ it in combat, and to repair and replenish it.… … Universalium
Movement disorder — For the journal, see Movement Disorders (journal). Movement disorder Classification and external resources ICD 10 F44.4, F98.4, G25.8 G25.9, R25 ICD 9 … Wikipedia