- chemolithotrophy
- The utilization of inorganic compounds or ions to obtain reducing equivalents and energy. [chemo- + G. lithos, stone, mineral, + trophe, nourishment]
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Microbial metabolism — is the means by which a microbe obtains the energy and nutrients (e.g. carbon) it needs to live and reproduce. Microbes use many different types of metabolic strategies and species can often be differentiated from each other based on metabolic… … Wikipedia
Microbiology — An agar plate streaked with microorganisms … Wikipedia
Metabolism — Cell metabolism redirects here. For the journal, see Cell Metabolism. Structure of adenosine triphosphate, a central intermediate in energy metabolism Metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολή metabolē , change or Greek: μεταβολισμός metabolismos,… … Wikipedia
Autotrophy — is the ability to be self sustained by producing food from inorganic compounds. Some bacteria and some archaea have this ability. Inorganic compounds are oxidized directly without sunlight to yield energy. This metabolic mode also requires energy … Wikipedia
Prokaryote — The prokaryotes (pronEng|proʊˈkærioʊts; singular prokaryote IPA|/proʊˈkæriət/) are a group of organisms that lack a cell nucleus (= karyon), or any other membrane bound organelles. They differ from the eukaryotes, which have a cell nucleus. Most… … Wikipedia
alpha-proteobacteria — One of the five subgroups of proteobacteria, each with distinctive 16S rRNA sequences. This group contains most of the oligotrophic proteobacteria; some have unusual metabolic modes such as methylotrophy, chemolithotrophy, and nitrogen fixing… … Dictionary of microbiology
chemosynthesis — 1. Chemical synthesis. 2. Chemolithotrophy. * * * che·mo·syn·the·sis sin(t) thə səs n, pl the·ses synthesis of organic compounds (as in living cells) by energy derived from chemical reactions che·mo·syn·thet·ic sin thet ik adj … Medical dictionary