- chemodectoma
- Aortic body, carotid body, chemoreceptor, or glomus jugulare tumor; nonchromaffin paraganglioma; receptoma; a relatively rare, usually benign neoplasm originating in the chemoreceptor tissue of the carotid body, glomus jugulare, and aortic bodies; consisting histologically of rounded or ovoid hyperchromatic cells that tend to be grouped in an alveoluslike pattern within a scant to moderate amount of fibrous stroma and a few large thin-walled vascular channels. Cf.:paraganglioma. SYN: aortic body tumor, carotid body tumor, nonchromaffin paraganglioma. [chemo- + G. dektes, receiver, fr. dechomai, to receive, + -oma, tumor]
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che·mo·dec·to·ma -'dek-tə-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a tumor that affects tissue (as of the carotid body) populated with chemoreceptors* * *
n.a former name for paraganglioma.* * *
che·mo·dec·to·ma (ke″mo-dek-toґmə) [chemo- + dektos to be received or accepted + -oma] any benign, chromaffin-negative tumor of the chemoreceptor system; the most common types are the carotid body tumor, the glomus jugulare tumor, and the glomus vagale tumor. Called also nonchromaffin paraganglioma.
Medical dictionary. 2011.