balloon atrial septostomy
- balloon atrial septostomy
- Rashkind balloon atrial septostomy surgical creation of an opening in the interatrial septum of the heart by passage of a balloon catheter from the right atrium through the septum to the left atrium, at which point the balloon is inflated and the catheter is then withdrawn to create an interatrial septal defect; performed in transposition of the great vessels with an intact septum.
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Rashkind balloon atrial septostomy — The Rashkind balloon atrial septostomy is a medical procedure, performed during cardiac catheterization (heart cath), in which a balloon catheter is used to enlarge a foramen ovale, patent foramen ovale (PFO), or atrial septal defect (ASD) in… … Wikipedia
Rashkind balloon atrial septostomy — Rash·kind balloon atrial septostomy (rashґkind) [W.J. Rashkind, American surgeon, 20th century] see under septostomy … Medical dictionary
Atrial septostomy — is a surgical procedure in which a small hole is created between the upper two chambers of the heart, the atria. This procedure is primarily used to treat dextro Transposition of the great arteries or d TGA (often imprecisely called transposition … Wikipedia
Balloon septostomy — is the widening of a foramen ovale, patent foramen ovale (PFO), or atrial septal defect (ASD) via cardiac catheterization (heart cath) using a balloon catheter. This procedure allows a greater amount of oxygenated blood to enter the systemic… … Wikipedia
septostomy — Surgical creation of a septal defect. [septo + G. stoma, mouth] atrial s. establishment of a communication between the two atria of the heart. SYN: atrioseptostomy. balloon s. s. performed by cardiac … Medical dictionary
BAS — balloon atrial septostomy; battalion aid station; benzyl anti serotonin; beta adrenergic stimulation; boric acid solution; Bronx Longitudinal Aging Study … Medical dictionary
BAS — • balloon atrial septostomy; • battalion aid station; • benzyl anti serotonin; • beta adrenergic stimulation; • boric acid solution; • Bronx Longitudinal Aging Study … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Jatene procedure — Intervention ICD 9 CM 35.84 The Jatene procedure, or arterial switch, is an open heart surgical procedure used to correct dextro transposition of the great arteries (d TGA); its development was … Wikipedia
dextro-Transposition of the great arteries — Classification and external resources ICD 10 Q20.3 ICD 9 745.10 … Wikipedia
Dextro-Transposition of the great arteries — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = dextro transposition of the great arteries ICD10 = ICD10|Q|20|3|q|20 ICD9 = ICD9|745.10 Transposition of the great arteries (d Transposition of the great arteries, dextro TGA, or d TGA), sometimes also referred to… … Wikipedia