Seldinger needle technique
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Seldinger needle — a needle with a blunt, tapered external cannula with a sharp obturator; used for the initial percutaneous insertion characteristic of the Seldinger technique for arterial or venous access … Medical dictionary
Technique de Seldinger — Set de pose d abord veineux ou artériel selon la technique de Seldinger. La technique de Seldinger désigne un protocole de soins mis en œuvre lors du cathétérisme d un vaisseau sanguin ou d une cavité afin d en garantir un accès sécurisé. La… … Wikipédia en Français
Seldinger-Technik — Seldinger Draht mit Punktionskanüle und Dilatator Die Seldingertechnik oder Seldinger Methode ist eine Methode zur Punktion von Blutgefäßen zum Zweck der Katheterisierung. Sie wurde 1953 von dem schwedischen Radiologen Sven Ivar Seldinger (* 19.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Seldinger technique — The Seldinger technique is a medical procedure to obtain safe access to blood vessels and other hollow organs. It is named after Dr. Sven Ivar Seldinger (1921 1998), a Swedish radiologist from Mora, Dalarna County, who introduced the procedure in … Wikipedia
Seldinger technique — a technique for introducing a catheter into a blood vessel or cavity. A needle is used to puncture the structure, then a guidewire is passed through the needle. The needle is removed, and the catheter is introduced over the wire. The technique is … The new mediacal dictionary
technique — The manner of performance, or the details, of any surgical operation, experiment, or mechanical act. SEE ALSO: method, operation, procedure. SYN: technic. [Fr., fr. G. technikos, relating to techne, art, skill] airbrasive t. a method of grinding … Medical dictionary
Seldinger technique — the retrograde passage of a catheter into the aorta via a puncture in the femoral artery. It is used to outline the aorta and its major branches, including the blood vessels of the lower extremities. S. I. Seldinger (1921 ), Swedish radiologist * … Medical dictionary
Seldingertechnik — Seldinger Draht mit Punktionskanüle und Dilatator Die Seldingertechnik oder Seldinger Methode ist eine Methode zur Punktion von Blutgefäßen zum Zweck der Katheterisierung. Sie wurde 1953 von dem schwedischen Radiologen Sven Ivar Seldinger (* 19.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tracheal intubation — Intervention Anesthesiologist using the Glidescope video laryngoscope to intubate the trachea of a morbidly obese elderly person with challenging airway anatomy … Wikipedia
History of invasive and interventional cardiology — The history of invasive and interventional cardiology is complex, with multiple groups working independently on similar technologies. While invasive and interventional cardiology is currently closely associated with cardiologists (physicians who… … Wikipedia