- Choroiditis
- An inflammation of the layer of the eye behind the retina, either in its entirely (multifocal choroiditis) or in patches (focal choroiditis). Usually the only symptom is blurred vision. See also uveitis.
* * *- areolar c. inflammation of the choroid, with prominent pigment proliferation occurring first in the macular region and then more peripherally.- diffuse c. a widespread exudative inflammation of the choroid, with progressive resolution of older lesions as new ones occur.- juxtapupillary c. c. adjacent to the optic disk.- multifocal c. macular, peripapillary, and peripheral c., often designated presumed ocular histoplasmosis.- vitiliginous c. SYN: bird shot retinochoroiditis.
* * *
cho·roid·itis .kōr-.ȯi-'dīt-əs, .kȯr- or cho·ri·oid·itis .kōr-ē-ȯi-, .kȯr- n inflammation of the choroid of the eye* * *
n.inflammation of the choroid layer of the eye. It may be inflamed together with the iris and ciliary body, but often is involved alone and in patches (focal or multifocal choroiditis). Vision becomes blurred but the eye is usually painless. See uveitis.* * *
cho·roid·itis (kor″oid-iґtis) [choroido- + -itis] uveitis affecting the choroid, the posterior portion of the uveal tract.
Medical dictionary. 2011.