- cephalhematoma
- A collection of blood due to an effusion of blood beneath the periosteum frequently in a newborn as a result of birth trauma; contrasted with caput succedaneum, in which the effusion overlies the periosteum and consists of serum. SYN: cephalohematoma. [cephal- + G. haima, blood, + -oma, tumor]
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ceph·al·he·ma·to·ma or chiefly Brit ce·phal·hae·ma·to·ma .sef-əl-.hē-mə-'tō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a usu. benign swelling formed from a hemorrhage beneath the periosteum of the skull and occurring esp. over one or both of the parietal bones in newborn infants as a result of trauma sustained during delivery* * *
ceph·al·he·ma·to·ma (sef″əl-he″mə-toґmə) [cephal- + hematoma] a subperiosteal hemorrhage limited to the surface of one cranial bone, a usually benign condition seen frequently in the newborn as a result of bone trauma. Called also cephalohematoma.Bilateral cephalhematomas.
Medical dictionary. 2011.