Centric relation — In dentistry, centric relation is the mandibular jaw position in which the head of the condyle is situated as far anterior and superior as it possibly can within the mandibular fossa/glenoid fossa. This position is used when restoring edentulous… … Wikipedia
occluding centric relation record — a registration of centric relation made at the established occlusal vertical dimension … Medical dictionary
centric — Having a center (of a specific kind or number) or having a specific thing as its center (of interest, focus, etc.). [G. kentron, center] * * * cen·tric sen trik adj 1) of or relating to a nerve center 2) of, relating to … Medical dictionary
true centric — centric relation … Medical dictionary
relation — 1. An association or connection between or among people or objects. SEE ALSO: relationship. 2. In dentistry, the mode of contact of teeth or the positional relationship of oral structures. [L. relatio, a bringing back] … Medical dictionary
eccentric relation — eccentric jaw relation any relation of the mandible to the maxilla other than the centric relation; called also acentric r. and eccentric position … Medical dictionary
lateral occlusal relation — the relation of the mandible to the maxilla when the lower jaw is in a position to either side of centric relation … Medical dictionary
median retruded jaw relation — centric r … Medical dictionary
Intent-centric paradigm — The Intent centric Paradigm (ICP) is a research agenda within the field of cognitive science pursued by the Center for Advanced Defense Studies under the direction of Dr. Newton Howard. ICP describes processes which describe how a rational agent… … Wikipedia
interocclusal record centric — a record of the centric jaw position (relation) … Medical dictionary