- regio inframammaria
- [TA] inframammary region: the region of the anterior aspect of the thorax situated inferior to either mamma and superior to the inferior border of the twelfth rib.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
regio — SYN: region. [L.] regiones abdominis [TA] SYN: abdominal regions, under region. r. abdominis lateralis flank. r. analis [TA] SYN: anal triangle. r. antebrachialis anterior anterior region of forearm. r. antebrachialis posterior … Medical dictionary
inframammary region — regio inframammaria … Medical dictionary
region — 1. An often arbitrarily limited portion of the surface of the body. SEE ALSO: space, zone. 2. A portion of the body having a special nervous or vascular supply, or a part of an organ having a special … Medical dictionary