- cementoma
- Nonspecific term referring to any benign cementum-producing tumor; four types are recognized: 1) periapical cemental dysplasia, 2) central ossifying fibroma, 3) cementoblastoma, 4) sclerotic cemental mass. When the type is not specified, c. usually refers to periapical cemental dysplasia. [L. cementum, cement, + G. -oma, tumor]- gigantiform c. the familial occurrence of cemental masses in the jaws; inherited as an autosomal dominant characteristic. SEE ALSO: sclerotic cemental mass.
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n.a benign overgrowth of cementum.* * *
ce·men·to·ma (se″mən-toґmə) any of a variety of benign cementum-producing odontogenic tumors, including cementoblastoma, cementifying fibroma, florid osseous dysplasia, and periapical cemental dysplasia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.