receptaculum chyli
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receptaculum chyli — ˈkīˌlī noun Etymology: New Latin, literally, receptacle of the chyle : cisterna chyli … Useful english dictionary
Receptacŭlum — (lat.), 1) Vorhalttuch beim Abendmahl, s.d. S. 28; 2) (Chem.), eine Vorlage, s.d.; 3) Boden, das letzte Ende des Blüthenstieles, od. überhaupt der Ort, welcher den Fructificationstheilen zur Basis dient; 4) R. chyli (Anat.), so v.w. Chylusgefäß … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
receptaculum — A receptacle. SYN: reservoir. [L. fr. re cipio, pp. ceptus, to receive, fr. capio, to take] r. chyli SYN: cisterna chyli. r. ganglii petrosi SYN: petrosal fossula. r. pecqueti SYN: cisterna chyli. * * * n. the dilated portion of a tubular… … Medical dictionary
receptaculum — n. the dilated portion of a tubular anatomical part. The receptaculum (or cisterna) chyli is the dilated end of the thoracic duct, into which lymph vessels from the lower limbs and intestines drain … The new mediacal dictionary
receptaculum Pecqueti — cisterna chyli … Medical dictionary
Cisterna chyli — Lymph: Cisterna chyli; Cysterna Chyli … Wikipedia
cisterna chyli — cisterna chy·li kī .lī n, pl cisternae chyli a dilated lymph channel usu. opposite the first and second lumbar vertebrae and marking the beginning of the thoracic duct * * * [TA] a dilated portion of the thoracic duct at its origin in the lumbar… … Medical dictionary
cisterna — SYN: cistern. [L. an underground cistern for water, fr. cista, a box] c. ambiens [TA] SYN: ambient cistern. c. basalis SYN: interpeduncular cistern. c. caryothecae the space between the internal and external membranes of the nuclear … Medical dictionary
Jean Pecquet — Jean Pecquet(1622 1674) was a French scientist from Dieppe. He studied the expansion of air, wrote on psychology, and is also known for investigating the thoracic duct. Furthermore, he studied the nature of vision.LifeHe studied medicine at… … Wikipedia
Jean Pecquet — Jean Pecquet, né le 9 mai 1622 à Dieppe et mort le 26 février 1674, est un médecin et savant français. Il fut anatomiste et l un des pionniers de la physiologie. Il étudia l expansion de l air, écrivit des livres sur la… … Wikipédia en Français