
The major anion found in the fluid outside of cells and in blood. An anion is the negatively charged part of certain substances such as table salt (sodium chloride or NaCl) when dissolved in liquid. Sea water has almost the same concentration of chloride ion as human fluids. The balance of chloride ion (Cl-) is closely regulated by the body. Significant increases or decreases in chloride can have deleterious or even fatal consequences: {{}}Increased chloride (hyperchloremia): Elevations in chloride may be seen in diarrhea, certain kidney diseases, and sometimes in overactivity of the parathyroid glands. Decreased chloride (hypochloremia): Chloride is normally lost in the urine, sweat, and stomach secretions. Excessive loss can occur from heavy sweating, vomiting, and adrenal gland and kidney disease. The normal serum range for chloride is 98 - 108 mmol/L.
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A compound containing chlorine, at a valence of −1, as in the salts of hydrochloric acid.
- carbamylcholine c. a cholinomimetic drug that reacts with and activates both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. It is slowly hydrolyzed and thus its effects far outlast those of acetylcholine. Used medically to stimulate smooth muscle, as in paralytic ileus following surgery.

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chlo·ride 'klō(ə)r-.īd, 'klȯ(ə)r- n
1) a compound of chlorine with another element or radical esp a salt or ester of hydrochloric acid called also muriate
2) a monovalent anion consisting at one atom of chlorine

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chlo·ride (klorґīd) a salt of hydrochloric acid; any binary compound of chlorine in which the latter is the negative element. For specific salts, see entries under the adjectival form, e.g., for sodium chloride, see under sodium.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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