- occupational psychiatry
- industrial p.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Psychiatry — is a medical specialty which exists to study, prevent, and treat mental disorders in humans. Psychiatric assessment typically involves a mental status examination and taking a case history, and psychological tests may be administered. Physical… … Wikipedia
Occupational health psychology — Psychology … Wikipedia
Occupational therapy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 93.83 … Wikipedia
occupational therapy — a form of therapy in which patients are encouraged to engage in vocational tasks or expressive activities, as art or dance, usually in a social setting. [1910 15] * * * Use of activities to promote health and independence, particularly after the… … Universalium
psychiatry — psychiatric /suy kee a trik/, psychiatrical, adj. psychiatrically, adv. /si kuy euh tree, suy /, n. the practice or science of diagnosing and treating mental disorders. [1840 50; PSYCH + IATRY] * * * Branch of medicine concerned with mental… … Universalium
Biological psychiatry — Biological psychiatry, or biopsychiatry is an approach to psychiatry that aims to understand mental disorder in terms of the biological function of the nervous system. It is interdisciplinary in its approach and draws on sciences such as… … Wikipedia
industrial psychiatry — the branch of psychiatry concerned with the diagnosis and prevention of mental illness in the work setting, including aspects of absenteeism, accident proneness, personnel policies, occupational fatigue, substance abuse, vocational adjustment,… … Medical dictionary
Лечение занятостью — (англ. occupational therapy). Метод ресоциализации психически больных, включающий групповую работу в лечебных мастерских, правильную организацию психической и физической деятельности больного в труде и отдыхе … Толковый словарь психиатрических терминов
Maudsley Hospital — , London. In 1908, the Asylums Committee of the London County Council decided to accept a generous gift that Henry Maudsley was offering for the foundation of a mental hospital not, he stressed, an asylum that would incorporate an outpatient… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Lewis, Aubrey — (1900–1975) Called the leading psychiatrist of his time in Britain, Lewis was born in Adelaide, Australia, the son of a watchmaker who had emigrated from London 10 years previously. After earning his medical degree at Adelaide in 1923, he… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry