- prolactostatin
- pro·lac·to·stat·in (pro-lak″to-statґin) [prolactin + -statin] prolactin-inhibiting hormone.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Prolactostatin — Pro|lac|to|sta|tin [↑ Prolactin u. ↑ statin], das; s, e; Syn.: Prolactin Release Inhibiting Factor/Hormone (PIF, PIH): mit ↑ Dopamin identisches Hypothalamus Inkret, das die Prolactinfreisetzung in der Hypophyse hemmt … Universal-Lexikon
Dopamine — For other uses, see Dopamine (disambiguation). Dopamine … Wikipedia
Liberins — Liberins, otherwise known as releasing factors, are hormones produced by the hypothalamus that travel down the hypothalamic pituitary axis, to the posterior pituitary and cause the release of the corresponding hormone. For example Thyroliberin… … Wikipedia
PIF — PIF: svw. ↑ Prolactostatin … Universal-Lexikon
PIH — PIH: svw. ↑ Prolactostatin … Universal-Lexikon
inhibiting hormones — hormones elaborated by one structure that inhibit release of hormones from another structure, such as those from the hypothalamus that act on the adenohypophysis. Examples include follistatin, prolactin inhibiting hormone (prolactostatin), and… … Medical dictionary
prolactin-inhibiting hormone — a hormone released by the hypothalamus that inhibits secretion of prolactin by the adenohypophysis. Called also prolactin inhibiting factor and prolactostatin … Medical dictionary