- zygomatic process of temporal bone
- processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Zygomatic process of temporal bone — Infobox Bone Name = Zygomatic process of temporal bone Latin = processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis GraySubject = 34 GrayPage = 139 Caption = Left temporal bone. Outer surface. Showing the zygomatic process projecting to the left side of the… … Wikipedia
anterior root of zygomatic process of temporal bone — a short thick continuation of the inferior border of the zygomatic process, extending medially to the articular tubercle … Medical dictionary
posterior root of zygomatic process of temporal bone — a continuation of the superior border of the zygomatic process, extending above the external acoustic meatus and ending continuous with the supramastoid crest … Medical dictionary
Zygomatic process — is a protrusion from the rest of the skull, like the bumper of a car. Most of it belongs to the zygomatic bone, and could therefore be called the zygomatic process of the zygomatic bone. However, there are other bones contributing to it too,… … Wikipedia
Temporal bone — Bone: Temporal bone Cranial bones … Wikipedia
Zygomatic process of maxilla — Bone: Zygomatic process of maxilla Articulation of nasal and lacrimal bones with maxilla. (Zygomatic process visible at center right.) … Wikipedia
Zygomatic process — Zygomatic yg o*mat ic (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. zygomatique.] (Anat.) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the zygoma. [1913 Webster] {Zygomatic arch}, the arch of bone beneath the orbit, formed in most mammals by the union of the malar, or jugal … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zygomatic process — n any of several bony processes that articulate with the zygomatic bone: as a) a long slender process of the temporal bone helping to form the zygomatic arch b) a narrow process of the frontal bone articulating with the zygomatic bone c) a rough… … Medical dictionary
Temporal bone — A large irregular bone situated at the base and side of the skull. The temporal bone consists of three parts (squamous, tympanic and petrous) which are distinct at birth but then fuse. The petrous part of the temporal bone contains the… … Medical dictionary
zygomatic process — noun a slender process of the temporal bone that strengthens the zygomatic arch • Hypernyms: ↑process, ↑outgrowth, ↑appendage • Part Holonyms: ↑cheekbone, ↑zygomatic bone, ↑zygomatic, ↑malar, ↑ … Useful english dictionary