- carotidynia
- SYN: carotodynia.
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ca·rot·i·dyn·ia (kə-rot″ĭ-dinґe-ə) [contracted form from carotid + -odynia] episodic, usually unilateral neck pain with tenderness along the course of the common carotid artery.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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ca·rot·i·dyn·ia (kə-rot″ĭ-dinґe-ə) [contracted form from carotid + -odynia] episodic, usually unilateral neck pain with tenderness along the course of the common carotid artery.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Common carotid artery — Artery: Common carotid artery Schematic of the proximal aorta and its branches … Wikipedia
carotodynia — Pain caused by pressure on the carotid artery. SYN: carotidynia. [G. odyne, pain] * * * ca·rot·odyn·ia (kə rot″o dinґe ə) carotidynia … Medical dictionary
Neck pain — [[Image: A parti colored guinea pig suffering from Torticollis, or wry neck |220px|center]] ICD 10 M … Wikipedia