Koch postulates

Koch postulates
a statement of the kind of experimental evidence required to establish the etiologic relationship of a given microorganism to a given disease. The conditions included are (1) the microorganism must be observed in every case of the disease; (2) it must be isolated and grown in pure culture; (3) the pure culture must, when inoculated into a susceptible animal, reproduce the disease; and (4) the microorganism must be observed in, and recovered from, the experimentally diseased animal.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Koch&’s postulates — The criteria, first advanced by Robert Koch, by which the causative agent of a disease can be unambiguously identified. For an organism to be accepted as the causative agent it must be (i) present in all cases, (ii) isolatable in pure culture,… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

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