buckthorn — SYN: Rhamnus. * * * buck·thorn bək .thȯ(ə)rn n a shrub or tree of the genus Rhamnus sometimes having thorny branches and often containing purgative principles in bark or sap and producing fruits sometimes used as a source of yellow and green… … Medical dictionary
Karwinskia — Kar·win·skia kär winz kē ə n a genus of shrubs or small trees (family Rhamnaceae) that are chiefly native to Mexico and the southwestern U.S., have flowers with small hooded short clawed petals and fleshy drupes, and include one (K. humboldtiana) … Medical dictionary
Laxative — Laxatives (purgatives, aperients) are foods, compounds, or drugs taken to induce bowel movements or to loosen the stool, most often taken to treat constipation. Certain stimulant, lubricant, and saline laxatives are used to evacuate the colon for … Wikipedia
Skokie Lagoons — is a nature preserve in Glencoe, Illinois, owned and managed by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. The park is bordered by Dundee Road, Forestway Drive, Willow Road, the Edens expressway. Within the park are seven inter connected… … Wikipedia
polyneuropathy — 1. A disease process involving a number of peripheral nerves (literal sense). 2. A nontraumatic generalized disorder of peripheral nerves, affecting the distal fibers most severely, with proximal shading ( e.g., the feet are affected sooner or… … Medical dictionary