Legionella pneumonia

Legionella pneumonia
pneumonia caused by a species of Legionella; see legionnaire's disease and Pittsburgh p.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Legionella micdadei — a species isolated from lung tissue, respiratory secretions, and pleural fluid, as well as from cooling tower water, shower heads, tap water, and respiratory therapy equipment; it causes Pittsburgh pneumonia. Called also Pittsburgh pneumonia… …   Medical dictionary

  • Legionella — Genus of Gram negative asporogenous bacteria. Most species are pathogenic in humans, causing pneumonia like disease, eg. Legionnaires disease, named after an outbreak in Philadelphia amongst members of an American Legion reunion …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • Legionella anisa — a rare species found in water distribution systems and associated with pneumonia and Pontiac fever …   Medical dictionary

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